February 26, 2024

pSeven v2024.02 Release

pSeven development team announces the release of pSeven v2024.02, a new version of our platform for data analysis and optimization.


Since this release, pSeven uses the date based version numbering scheme (vyear.month) so as to make the numbering consistent with other pSeven products. Full version number — for example, in About — also includes the number of days since the beginning of the month, like v2024.02.22.


New Feature

  • The Gradient Boosted Regression Trees (GBRT) approximation technique now supports parallelization with the new fast parallel training mode, which offers an increase in performance though cannot guarantee deterministic training.


  • Design space exploration block. Fixed an issue where optimization and Adaptive Design results could contain incorrect values of linear and quadratic responses, if your task includes a maximization type response.

The pSeven v2024.02 release also includes other updated — please check the release changelog for a full list. You can also contact us to get more information and pSeven updates.

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