Trusted by industry leaders worldwide:


Desktop application for design optimization and process integration (PIDO)

Design Space Exploration

Design Exploration

Explore various design alternatives and easily find optimal solutions with Design of Experiments and Design Optimization strategies.


Predictive Modeling

Predict response values for new designs, accelerate complex simulations and capture knowledge from vast amounts of data with automatic and adaptive technique choosing.


Process Integration

Automate complex product development processes by integrating all your CAD/CAE software into a single workflow, define its logic and take advantage of HPC.

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pSeven Enterprise

Cloud-native low-code platform for engineering automation at enterprise scale

Low-codeLow‑code automation

Capture even the most complex engineering processes, define its logic and collect, analyze and reuse engineering data thanks to powerful workflow engine and low-code approach.

Collaborative engineeringCollaborative engineering

Collaborate easily with your teammates, suppliers or partners: private and shared workspaces, simultaneous co-authoring of workflows and analysis of results in the cloud.

Service orchestrationService orchestration

Automatically convert workflows into web services with REST API with full control over runs: who executed, when, run status etc.

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Explore use cases

Collaborative construction of a digital prototype in pSeven Enterprise

pSeven Enterprise allowed to automate the simulation processes inside different departments and after that link the dependencies between those simulations in one master workflow to create a full-scale digital prototype of a jet engine.

Automated construction of compressor performance maps in pSeven Enterprise

Repetitive manual operations during compressor map cunstruction such as building geometry models, mesh generation, post-processing of the results and data exchange between different software were automated in pSeven Enterprise.

Bolide suspension optimization

Another Use Case for Formula Student. In this project, a group of students from the Formula Student optimized the attachment points of the rear suspension of the new version of their racing bolide using pSeven.

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Latest news

November 11, 2024

PERA Global and pSeven reach strategic cooperation

Recently, PERA Global, a leading digital solution provider in China, signed a distribution cooperation agreement with pSeven SAS, a provider of engineering design optimization and data analysis solutions based in France. Together, they will promote technological advancement in the field of multidisciplinary cloud-native hybrid digital twin technology for Chinese enterprises.

July 23, 2024

CIMdata announces eBook on pSeven Enterprise

CIMdata, Inc., the leading global PLM strategic management consulting and research firm, announces the publication of a new eBook, “pSeven Enterprise Unleashes the Full Potential of Simulation for System Design Optimization.” The eBook highlights the challenges industrial companies of all sizes face in deploying simulation across domains, functions, and the product lifecycle.

February 6, 2024

pSeven and TECOSIM announce partnership

TECOSIM, a company specialized in engineering services for product development, and pSeven start working together: the CAE specialist will take on sales and first-level user support for innovative software solutions pSeven and pSeven Enterprise in the German-speaking countries.

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April 2, 2025

pSeven will participate in SIA Simulation Numerique 2025

The event will take place April 2-3 in Paris and bring together International OEMs, Engineering Companies, and many more who will share their latest technologies, projects and results.

March 10, 2025

pSeven will participate in NAFEMS ASSESS Summit 2025

The event will take place in Atlanta, USA, between March 10th and 12th and bring together senior industry leadership, analysts, business owners, experts, C-suite executives, and visionaries in the community of model-based analysis, simulation, and systems engineering.

November 14, 2024

Webinar recording: Fast and optimal design of your automotive products with Adams Car and pSeven

BİAS Mühendislik, pSeven partner in Turkey, one of leading engineering companies and the largest private automotive test center, and Nina Moëllo, pSeven SAS application engineer, invite you to participate in an online event - Fast and optimal design of your automotive products with Adams Car and pSeven.

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Latest product releases

Release 2025.02 of software platform for Design Exploration and Predictive Modeling

pSeven v2025.02

  • Direct integration block Amesim enables the analysis and automation of projects created in the Simcenter Amesim system simulation platform.
  • Updates to support training models with categorical outputs.

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Release of pSeven Enterprise v2025.02

pSeven Enterprise v2025.02

  • Finalized the app UI v10. This is now the stable UI version, used by default.
  • Reworked the app publishing and maintenance guides. Added the custom app UI guide with the app API reference.
  • pSeven Enterprise now supports Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP as a file storage option.
  • Windows cmd - new demo block providing a simplified example of a block that runs on a Windows extension node.

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location_on  France, 31100 Toulouse, Av. du Général de Croutte 42

phone  +33 (0) 5 82-95-59-68


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