May 16, 2023

pSeven 6.46 Release

pSeven development team announces the release of pSeven 6.46, a new version of our platform for data analysis and optimization. This is bugfix release that contains no new features, but includes updates in Design space exploration block and DFBuilder block.

Updates and Changes

Predictive modeling:

  • Fixed a regression issue from pSeven 6.44 where exporting a model to the FMU format raised an error, if the model has categorical outputs.

Design space exploration block

  • Fixed an issue where the block did not reset the iteration index (Blackbox.Index) to 0 on start, so in workflows where a Design space exploration block starts multiple times during execution, each its subsequent startup continued iteration indexing from the previous startup.
  • Fixed an issue with variables set up to switch between stepped and constant where the block displayed an incomprehensible error message if you do not specify the required Step hint for such a variable.

DFBuilder block:

  • Fixed issues with the low-fidelity sample bias compensation algorithm (the GTDF/UnbiasLowFidelityModel option) where in certain cases applying the bias compensation noticeably decreased the low-fidelity model quality.

The pSeven 6.46 release also includes other bugfixes — please check the release changelog for a full list. You can also contact us to get more information and pSeven updates.

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