December 14, 2022

pSeven Enterprise v2022.12 Release

pSeven development team announces the release of pSeven Enterprise v2022.12, a new version of our low code cloud-native collaborative platform for building, deploying and operating different models and processes at scale. It brings a lot of improvements and updates. Take a look what's new below.

Updates and Changes

  • Implement complex projects with interconnected workflows, where a main workflow can be composed of smaller child workflows created and maintained by different teams. The special Workflow reference block enables using any workflow as a block in one or more main workflows, without the need to copy and paste workflow parts or manually update them when the referenced workflow changes.

    referencing workflows
  • Get an overview of all your app runs in AppsHub using the new Runs pane added to the main AppsHub page.
    • The Runs pane is placed on the left and is collapsed by default.
    • Click a run in the pane to open it in a new tab.
    • To delete a run you no longer need, hover it with your mouse cursor and click the button that appears.
    • If you are an app owner, you will see all runs of your app in the Runs pane, including the runs started by other users.

      appshub runs pane

      appshub runs pane
  • The new While block (beta) enables the creation of processing loops in a workflow without any programming - for example, you can use it to implement a loop with condition (a while loop) or with a given number of iterations (a for loop).

    while block

pSeven Enterprise v2022.12 also includes other changes and bugfixes — please check the release changelog for a full list. You can also contact us to get more information and pSeven Enterprise updates.

View changelog Contact us

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