April 8, 2022

pSeven Enterprise v2022.04 Release

pSeven development team announces the release of pSeven Enterprise v2022.04, a new version of our low code cloud-native collaborative platform for building, deploying and operating different models and processes at scale. It brings a lot of improvements and updates. Take a look what's new below.

Updates and Changes

More Convenient and Responsive Pane in UI

pSeven Enterprise v2022.04 Port Sorting

  • More responsive and efficient properties pane UI.
  • Logical indication of composite block port status.
  • Improved sorting in port lists: now it is independent in different lists, and its order is selected separately for each port list, in alphabetical sorting the order in the port list no longer depends on the case of characters in their names, etc.

Updated the Stock App UI for AppsHub

  • Developers can pass user input to (AppsHub) apps using the query string in app's URL, so users won't have to repeat parameter input (when they get to an app from some other user environment where that app is integrated).

More Flexible Licensing System

  • pSeven Enterprise v2022.04 contains updates in the license mechanism, which add flexibility to license settings, enabling certain optimization of license usage. Due to these updates, previously issued licenses are not compatible with v2022.04. You will need to request an updated license key and have it ready before you begin the update - so you can update the license immediately after deploying v2022.04. Otherwise, your users will be unable to sign in to pSeven Enterprise until you update the license key in your deployment.
  • You can configure an admin account so that it does not count as a licensed user.


  • Fixed several internal issues with task management services that led to instability being one cause of incorrect behavior when running workflows - such as stopping with an error because a block failed to start, or inability to start another run after some run has stopped with an error.
  • Fixed a bug in workflow execution, which contributed to the issue where a workflow run just started by a user could get stuck in the "Submitting" state. The issue is not fixed completely yet, although that situation is more rare now.
  • Fixed an issue where a workflow run could get stuck in the "Queued to run" state if the user who started that run is near the disk quota limit.

pSeven Enterprise v2022.04 also includes other changes and bugfixes — please check the release changelog for a full list. You can also contact us to get more information and pSeven Enterprise updates.

View changelog Contact us

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