September 16, 2022

pSeven 6.38 Release

pSeven development team announces the release of pSeven 6.38, a new version of our platform for data analysis and optimization. Take a look what's new in the release below.

Updates and Changes

  • Added model update support for models trained with the TBL technique.
  • Improved autolinking (link suggestions in the [Autolink] dialog) for the case when you create links to a block that has only the do (signal) input port.
  • Design space exploration block:
    • Fixed an issue where the block incorrectly solved a maximization problem with a linear objective.
    • Fixed an issue with linear response modeling in Surrogate-based optimization and Adaptive design where the block did not stop as intended when it could not fit the response data to a linear model (that is, detected a non-linear dependency).
    • Fixed an issue with Surrogate-based optimization and Adaptive design where the size of some output batches generated during the initial training set evaluation could be less than the maximum while it is expected that the initial training set size can always be adjusted to the batch size. Note that the fix does not change the behavior after the initial training set evaluation — in general, batches of size less than the maximum are normal, although the block aims to minimize the number of such batches.
    • Fixed an issue where the Adaptive Design for GP technique ignored the Maximum batch size option when evaluating the missing responses from an initial sample.

The pSeven 6.38 release also includes changes and bugfixes — please check the release changelog for a full list. You can also contact us to get more information and pSeven updates.

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