July 15, 2022

pSeven 6.36 Release

pSeven development team announces the release of pSeven 6.36, a new version of our platform for data analysis and optimization. Take a look what's new in the release below.

Updates and Changes

  • Uncertainty quantification block. Updated the Uncertainty quantification block with a new version of the underlying algorithmic library, which resolves several stability issues and improves block performance in various use cases.
  • Predictive modeling tools. When you export a model from [Analyze] to C, C#, or Octave code export format, you now specify an export directory where pSeven may create one or more source code files: the source code of a large model is now split into multiple files by default to prevent compilation problems that might be caused by a large source file.

Compatibility Issues

Due to a new version of the underlying algorithmic library employed in the Uncertainty quantification block, changes were made to the name and semantics of some distribution parameters that break the backwards compatibility of Dict and List values used to pass distribution parameter settings over ports from other blocks, workflow parameters, or workflow inputs.

If you use dictionaries or lists to pass distribution parameters over ports from other blocks, workflow parameters, or workflow inputs, you should review and reconfigure them as needed after upgrading pSeven to version 6.36. 

The pSeven 6.36 release also includes changes and bugfixes — please check the release changelog for a full list. You can also contact us to get more information and pSeven updates.

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