May 17, 2022

pSeven 6.34 Release

pSeven development team announces the release of pSeven 6.34, a new version of our platform for data analysis and optimization. Take a look what's new in the release below.

Updates and Changes


  • Added a [Cancel] button to the confirmation dialog, which appears when you close a block, so you can go back to editing block configuration without confirming exit and then re-opening the block.


Composite block:

  • Fixed performance issues with large cache files, where due to excessive validation of the cache data the pSeven GUI was unresponsive while opening block configuration dialogs and creating links.

Program block:

  • Fixed an issue with error handling in the pSeven Agent, which caused its unexpected behavior — if an error occurred during the pSeven Agent startup, its window closed immediately without reporting the error that occurred.
  • Fixed an issue in pSeven for Windows, where you could not run system (installed) Python from the Program block’s script because of a “DLL not found” error.

The pSeven 6.34 release also includes changes and bugfixes — please check the release changelog for a full list. You can also contact us to get more information and pSeven updates.

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