October 4, 2021

pSeven 6.26 Release

DATADVANCE development team announces the release of pSeven 6.26, a new version of our flagship platform for data analysis and optimization. Read on for more information on the release highlights.

New Features

The Design space exploration block is updated with a new algorithm to handle linear responses (constraints, in particular) in the Adaptive design, Surrogate-based optimization, and Gradient-based optimization techniques. If you set function type of a response to linear, this is now interpreted as a requirement that changes the block behavior as follows:

  • The block always aims to fit each response configured as linear with a linear model. Linear response modeling is now performed prior to starting the main optimization or adaptive design algorithm. It requires a certain relatively low number of linear response evaluations, which depends on the number of design variables.
  • If an error occurs during response modeling, the block also raises an error and does not start the main algorithm.
  • If response modeling succeeds, the block continues to use the internal linear response models. This guarantees that no more response evaluations are requested from the blackbox block that calculates linear response values.

This update also resolves the issue where the Surrogate-based optimization or Adaptive design technique was unable to create an internal model of some linear response but continued to evaluate it, treating that response as a computationally cheap function, which allows an unlimited number of evaluations.

Updates and Changes

ApproxBuilder block:

  • The block can now generate an HTML report containing model information and validation data.


pSeven 6.26 also includes other updates, changes and bugfixes — please see the release changelog for a full list. You can also contact us to get more information and pSeven updates.

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